… an eclectic mix … a carnival amplifying and inspiring. Originally a rattle made of a bag tied to a stick in which pebbles and other bits could be shaken as a [bird] scarer; described as “a blare, a bloody nuisance” in ‘The Rattle Bag’ by the 14th century Welsh poet Dafydd ap Gwilym, trans Joseph Clancy, from ‘The Rattle Bag’ poetry anthology edited by Heaney and Hughes in 1982. They suggested “a raucous, distracting, shake, rattle-and-roll affair.”

An artwork by Pete Ellis. The poetry on the wall and the embroidery on the pyjamas are from three poems by the surrealist poet Robert Desnos who died in Terezin concentration camp in 1945.
Stars and Mercury

Stars and Mercury – Miro, Calder and Picasso – 1937 Spanish Pavilion displayed three major the Reaper, the Mercury Fountain and Guernica.
Abyssinia & the Stone Bomb

The Anti-Air War monument – the Stone Bomb – by Eric Benfield, in Woodford Green, Essex was set up in London as a protest against the bombing of civilians in Abyssinia by Italian planes in 1935.
Rimbaud meets Ezra Pound
Lorca visits Coney Island
Parody and Copyright

Parody is a wonderful means of creative expression and learning is an established part of our culture – from classical times through Dryden’s ‘mock heroic’ and ‘parodie’ all the way to Laurel and Hardy’s wild west and Homer Simpson. Written in 2012 this essay explores the issues of copyright and parody in education. read the article here >>
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