
Marshall Mateer

Marshall Mateer

Marshall Mateer is an artist, writer and educator. The ‘Shapesoftime’ website with articles and reviews, has been an ongoing project since 2003. Film Coordinator for the International Brigades Memorial Trust since 2015.

  • Education
  • drawing, painting, etching, history of ‘art’- Belfast College of Art
  • photography, film, video, history of ‘the media’- Hornsey College of Art

  • Research
  • ‘Film and Animation in Education’ – Hornsey and Middlesex
  • Early British Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War – since 2015 …

  • Ontology of the Photo-Image
  • ‘Sharpeville’ – artwork, 1960
  • ‘Guernica and the media’ – artwork & notes, 1969, 2005, 2010
  • Imagery of the Holocaust – essay, teacher fellowship IWM, 2012
  • ‘Photomontage and the SCW’ – notes, 2016

  • Educator
  • Teacher ILEA
  • Senior Lecturer Hornsey >Middlesex Polytechnic
  • Teacher & Head of Faculty Humberside
  • Lecturer in Art History, WEA
  • Adviser East Riding Yorkshire LEA
  • Education Consultant, NEN

  • Education projects
  • Established The Media Workshop, Middlesex Polytechnic
  • British Pathé digital film for schools – the UK schools broadband project
  • National Education Network – consultant digital content
  • Copyright for schools – ‘Copyrights and Wrongs’.

  • Publications
  • ‘Visions of Response’ – keynote essay, Film in Education, Exeter University, 1972
  • ‘Creative Video’ in education and community – GLAA.
  • ‘The Animation Handbook’ – Middlesex Polytechnic, with Terry Quirk, 1975.
  • Articles about the SCW for ‘No Pasaran!’ IBMT magazine: e.g. ‘Not Such a Quiet Front’.

  • Films
  • ‘Miniscules’ – investigations in animation – Super 8mm, 1969
  • News film and documentaries for IBMT – ongoing since 2014
  • ‘Defence of Madrid’ (Montagu/BFI) – screening and talk – with BFI – Bristol, 2018
  • ‘The Brigaders Return!’ film, talk and screenings – with BFI – 2022, 2023, 2024

… and so it goes …